
Concepting & Storyboarding sanctuary An original dance-film to be created at a historic church (circa 1875) located on Hermitage St. near Diamond Ave., in Grand Rapids, MI (USA). Schedule Pre-production: Fall (2024) to early Spring (2025) Production: Spring and early Summer (2025) Post-production: Summer (2025) Treatment EXT. CHURCH – AFTERNOON Vintage Toyota LandCruiser approaches old…

“And Spiders Will Destroy Their Own Webs” (2017 Eclipse)

Join us in person or online at 8:15 p.m. Saturday, April 6 (2024) as ARTPEERS debuts an extraordinary dance film made in real time during the 2017 solar eclipse: And Spiders Will Destroy Their Own Webs. This work features some of Michigan’s best dancers and filmmakers, with musicians from Grand Rapids symphony and opera led by Detroit trip-hop producer Matt Black. We traveled to Lebanon, TN in collaboration with DITA, Sidecar Studios, Green Frog Photo, and Matt Black Music. Made possible by Wege Foundation.


“Crash” panel starter ideas for discussion Click here for a phone-formatted JPEG you can add to your Photos on your phone. Below is a web/text based version of the same questions: Discussion “starter” ideas 1. Your initial reactions – rapid fire 2. More detail: what didn’t work? 3. What *did* work and why? 4. Good…

Natural Hair Portraits: I ROCK MY OWN Year 1

“I ROCK MY OWN: 2016” is the original portrait-series exploring and celebrating the cultural and historical significance of natural hair. A collaboration with several of West Michigan’s most talented photographers, “I ROCK MY OWN” events invite community members with natural hair to get a free, professional portrait they can use for anything. Holland Litho donates high-quality prints that debut at public events featuring local experts who can speak to the unique history of natural hair. Events made possible by Steelcase Foundation and Wege Foundation.


GUIDE FOR SHARING ONLINE This is a guide for sharing an article by journalist Holly Bechiri about the making of THE GREAT SWIFTNESS – a new film created by Sidecar Studios and ArtPeers. Bechiri’s article (link below) a playable version of the new film, and background info about making it. [ultimate_spacer height=”20″ height_on_tabs=”25″ height_on_tabs_portrait=”25″ height_on_mob_landscape=”18″…