I ROCK MY OWN 2019 Portrait Day: when, where, how to park or bus there, and more!
I ROCK MY OWN: Natural Hair Portraits
at DeVos Place (320 Monroe NW)
Chase Boardroom (3rd Floor)
Sunday, February 24, 2019
11:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
How do I get a portrait?
Show up at DeVos Place (320 Monroe NW) on Sunday, Feb. 24th, between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.
How much is parking?
If you park at the Government Center Parking Ramp ArtPeers will pay your parking fees.
How do I validate parking?
When you cross Monroe Avenue to enter DeVos Place, bring your parking stub from the Government Center Parking Ramp, and ArtPeers will validate it for you.
I don’t have a car!
If you can’t drive or carpool with a friend, take the bus and bring your receipt – ArtPeers will give you a free, 7-day pass to use on Rapid Transit, to reimburse your expenses.
How do I get in DeVos Place?
Use the Employee Entrance at DeVos Place (320 Monroe NW).
Where’s the Employee Entrance?
The DeVos Place Employee Entrance is a few steps south from the Main Entrance at 320 Monroe Avenue NW (see images, below).
How long do portraits take?
All portraits are first-come first-served: the photo itself will take just a few minutes, but wait times may vary.
How do I download my portrait?
Images will be posted within 30 minutes of your portrait session; participants will receive a link to a full-resolution version of their portrait, to download and keep.
Are there any costs?
I ROCK MY OWN events (portraits 2/24 and panel discussion 2/25) are free! No hidden fees or costs.

Summary of transportation info!
•Get ready with your friends and carpool to the I Rock My Own photoshoot. Want us to cover your parking? Park at the Government Center ramp and pick up a validation at the event. https://goo.gl/maps/yvcuCyyEBMH2
•Parking for the I Rock My Own photoshoot is easy and free! Use the Government Center ramp and pick up a parking validation at the event. https://goo.gl/maps/yvcuCyyEBMH2
•We’re covering your parking when you carpool to the I Rock My Own photoshoot! Park in the Government Center ramp and pick up a validation at the event. https://goo.gl/maps/yvcuCyyEBMH2
•Hop on the bus to get to the I Rock My Own photoshoot at DeVos Place. Stop by the Mobile GR table for a chance to win bus passes. https://goo.gl/maps/tUJu4kJQZW42
•Walk to DeVos Place and have your photo taken for I Rock My Own. https://goo.gl/maps/FyBbmU9m2i82
•Bike with your family to DeVos Place for I Rock My Own. https://goo.gl/maps/sdYY9n8kSX82
I ROCK MY OWN: portraits!

I ROCK MY OWN: panel!

Join us for the panel discussion!
I ROCK MY OWN: Panel Discussion
at Muse GR (719 Leonard NW)
Monday, February 25, 2019
6:00 p.m. (Doors at 5:30 p.m.)
More info: artpeers.org/irmo
Natural Hair GR
Aurrik Brand Movement
JoJo’s House of Beauty
Muse GR
DeVos Place & Convention Center
Holland Litho Printing Services
A Fearless Brother Project
SideCar Studios
The City of Grand Rapids
Downtown Grand Rapids, Inc. (DGRI)
Mobile GR and Parking Services
Goodrich Quality Theatres, Inc.
Detroit Natural Hair Expo
Ultimate Natural Hair Tour
Naturals United
Nourish Your Curls Boutique
Avanti Law Group, PLLC
Makeup By Angie Miller
Harmony Beauty Co.
Wege Foundation